You Should Say Fuck Too

2022, Video, 14:29 min.

You Should Say Fuck Too
You Should Say Fuck Too
You Should Say Fuck Too
You Should Say Fuck Too

You Should Say Fuck Too II

2023, Video, 14:08 min.

You Should Say Fuck Too III
2024, Video, 31:56 min.
Part documentary, part narrative parafiction, You Should Say Fuck Too casts individuals via dating apps to engage in manufacturing the performance of desire in a private setting. Inspired in tone by Nathan Fielder's "Nathan For You", Caveh Zahedi's "Show About The Show", Amazon's "Jury Duty", Miranda July, and fellow University of New Mexico alum, Barbara DeGenevieve, the work follows different individuals through unscripted and spontaneous territory. Fantasies are manufactured and undone as the potential for intimacy keeps the subjects in a state of suspended enticement that leads up to an elusive moment that never comes.
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